Domestic Abuse Specialist - Children & Families - Kent Family, Drug & Alcohol Court
Role Responsibility
The Family Drug and Alcohol Court (FDAC) help families where children are put at risk by parental substance misuse. FDAC is a problem-solving court where the same judge reviews the case every fortnight and is supported by an independent multi-disciplinary intervention team. FDAC work focuses on the parents while keeping the child central. Parents are given ‘a trial for change’ that provides them with the best possible chance to overcome their problems. At the same time FDAC tests whether the family can make enough change in a timescale compatible with the children’s needs. The emphasis is on working with families to provide a bespoke problem-solving approach to promote parental and family recovery
We are looking for 2 Domestic Abuse Specialists to join our FDAC team. You will be part of the exciting journey of innovation and the development of FDAC and as part of the multi-disciplinary team which includes Consultant Child and Adult Psychiatrists, social workers , substance misuse specialists and mental health specialist, you will be providing assessment and support to families, where domestic abuse is prevalent, as a key member of the FDAC intervention team
This post is subject to an Enhanced Disclosure Application to the Disclosure and Barring Service.
This post is considered by KCC to be a customer-facing position. The Council therefore has a statutory duty under Part 7 of the Immigration Act (2016) to ensure that post holders have a command of spoken English/Welsh sufficient for the effective performance of the job requirements. The appropriate standards are set out in the Job Description/Person Specification.
The interviews are to be held on Thursday 10th and Friday 11th September.
Contact Details
Donna Harris l Service Manager l Family Drug and Alcohol Court (FDAC) l Children, Young People and Education | Kent County Council l 2nd Floor, Invicta House County Hall, Maidstone, Kent ME14 1XQ | 03000 410 080 l DD: 03000 412 043 l M: 07815 603 104 l